How long we have been serving the industry.
Forensic analysis of building materials. It's what we do.
We have the tools and knowhow to find the solution.
The collection of trial-quality evidence necessary to identify the potential causes of damage and deterioration.
NDE uses tools that impart energy into a material to determine its properties. These include electromagnetic, kinetic, acoustic, and ultrasonic energy sources.
Often material sampling is required to find the answers. Petrography, metallography, metallurgical analysis, mechanical testing, and chemical analysis are common.
Fourier Transform Infrared, X-Ray Florescence, Gas-Chromatography, Optical Emission Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Fractographic Analysis...what instruments area needed to evaluate the material?
Typically, at least half of the answer is found in the field. Hands-on physical testing, mapping, observation, photo-documenting, visual observations. Big picture and detailed obsevations require a trained and competent investigator.
The next step after determining the cause of failure is implementing the repair. Concrete repair, corrosion mitigation, structural repair, specification and design, oversight and inspection are the services needed to return the structure to full service-life.